My Scope Broadens

I am fortunate to have traveled in the US and abroad, taking in the local life, sites and nature. 


                                                                      Julian, California  -  pastel

                                                           Mountain's Majesty, Colorado  - &nb…

                                                           Mountain's Majesty, Colorado  -  pastel

                Shreyer House, Pennsylvania  -  pastel

                Shreyer House, Pennsylvania  -  pastel

                                                               Vermillion Sky, Minnesota …

                                                               Vermillion Sky, Minnesota  -  pastel

my travel experiences pale in comparison.  

Several years ago, my son and his friend set out with backpacks to explore the world. They were gone for 9 months. As they wandered through unknown territory and places I'd never heard of, the direction of my artwork wandered as well.  During this time I was teaching art to a very diverse student population; refugees and immigrants from distant places I knew virtually nothing about.  I had a keen interest in their culture and to this day, am fascinated by their life stories.  

My limited international travel has been primarily to popular tourist destinations.  My "visits" to other foreign cities, towns and small villages have been made possible by my son's artistic eye and the images captured by the camera in his hand.  

                               Ukranian Sunrise     Kiev, Ukraine  -  pastel

                               Ukranian Sunrise     Kiev, Ukraine  -  pastel

                                                         African Sunset - pastel

                                                         African Sunset - pastel